Guynemer was a professional pirate who realized that the crusade would need
naval help. He had collected an armada of Danes, Frisians, and Flemings,
and had sailed from the Low Countries early in the spring and was now trying
to make contact with the crusade. He was delighted to find himself close
to an army under a prince from his native town. He sailed up to Tarsus and
did homage to Baldwin, who borrowed three hundred men from him to act as
a garrison for Tarsus, apparently under Guynemer as governor. Baldwin then
followed Tancred eastward. 
 Adana was in a state of confusion. Oshin of Lampron held half of the town.
Other parts were still occupied by the. Turks, who fled when the Normans
approached; and a Burgundian knight called Weif, who had probably broken
away from Baldwin's party, had managed to force his way into the citadel.
Oshin and Welf both welcomed Tancred. The former was probably glad to extricate
himself from a risky adventure. With his approval Weif was confirmed by Tancred
in the possession of all the town, while, on Oshin's advice, Tancred continued
eastward to Mamistra (Misis), where there was an Armenian population eager
for deliverance from the Turks. He reached Mamistra early in October. The
Turks fled before him, and the Armenians opened the gates to him. 
 Meanwhile Baldwin, having wrecked Tancred's chance of founding a Cilician
principality, had decided to rejoin the main crusading army. He may have
had news that his wife was dying; he may have wished to consult his brothers;
or he may, on Pakrad's advice, have considered that his true destiny lay
farther east on the Euphrates. While Tancred was at Mamistra, Baldwin came
up with his army. His intent was now peaceable, but Tancred was naturally
suspicious, and would not let him into the town. Baldwin and his men had
to camp on the far side of the river Pyramus (Jeyhan). Tancred's brother-in-law,
Richard of the Principate, could not bear to let Baldwin's crime at Tarsus
go unavenged. He and his friends persuaded Tancred to join them in a surprise
attack on the camp. Their army was far smaller than Baldwin's, which easily
repulsed them. After this unedifying conflict both leaders felt ashamed.
There was a formal reconciliation where it was agreed that neither party
would remain in Cilicia. Baldwin moved hastily on to catch the main crusading
army at Marash, while Tancred, after leaving a small garrison at Mamistra,
turned southward round the head of the Gulf of Alexandretta to the town of
Alexandretta (Iskenderun). He had sent a message to Guynemer