Faroes: island group north of the Shetlands — not in area mapped. 
Fars; Fãrs (Persian), Fans (Arabic): region of sw Persia — Og,
Fauquembergue: town — see Falkenberg. 
Feke: fortress — see Vahka. 
Fez; Fãs (Arabic): city — Difi, i. 
Filistin: region — see Palestine. 
Firat (Nehri): river — see Euphrates. 
Flanders; Vlaanderen (Flemish): region of northern France and Belgium —
EFb, i. 
Flavigny (French): abbey 28 miles NW of Dijon. 
Florence; Firenze (Italian): city — G2d2, i, 2. 
Fontevrault (French): town 35 miles WSW of Tours. 
Forez (French): district east of Clermont. 
Fortore (Italian): river in SE Italy, flowing into the Adriatic west of Monte
Fraga (Spanish), Ifraghah (Arabic): town — Eid4, i. 
France: region, smaller than modern nation. 
Franconia; Franken (German): region of western Germany — FGbc, I, 2.

Frankfurt am Main (German): city — F4b5, I, 2. 
Fraxinet or Fraxinetum: fortress — see La Garde-Freinet. 
Freising (German): city 45 miles SSW of Regensburg. 
Frisia; Friesland (Dutch, German): region of northern Netherlands and NW
Germany — Fb, i, 2. 
al-FU~ah (Arabic): village — L2e5, 5. 
al-Fulah (Arabic: the bean), La Féve (medieval), Afula (modern): village
— Lif3, 6. 
al-Furãt: river — see Euphrates. 
Fustat; al-Fus~ã~ (Arabic), Babylon (medieval): town — Kzf5,
Gabala: port — see Jabala. 
Gadres: town — see Gaza. 
Gaeta (Italian): port — G4d4, 2. 
Galatia (classical): region of central Anatolia — Ke, 2, 3. 
Galicia; Halicz (Polish): region of SE Poland. 
Galicia (Spanish): region of NW Spain — Cd, i. 
Galilee: region of northern Palestine — Lif3, 6. 
Galilee, Sea of — see Tiberias, Lake. 
Gand: city, port — see Ghent. 
Gangra or Germanicopolis (classical), Chankiri (Turkish): town — K4d5,
3, 8. 
Gargar; Garga~ (West Armenian), Karkar or Qarqar (Arabic), Gerger (Turkish):

town—L4e3, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. 
Garigliano (Italian): river flowing into the Tyrrhenian Sea east of Gaeta.

Garin: city — see Erzerum. 
Garonne (French): river — D5c~, I. 
Gascony; Gascogne (French): region of SW France — Dd, i. 
Gaston: town — see Baghras. 
Gâtinais (French): district between Courtenay and Châtillon.

Gaul: ancient name for France. 
Gavur Daghi: mountain range — see Amanus. 
Gaza; Gadres (medieval), Ghazzah (Arabic): town — K5f4, 6, 12, 13,
Gazara: hill see Mont Gisard. 
Gaziantep: city — see Aintab. 
Genoa; Genova (Italian): city, port — F4di, i, 2. 
Gent: city, port — see Ghent.