8Th Wisconun Lumbenman.

of all their proceedings, and to make
annual reports to the association of
such information as may have been
procured during the year.
The committee are of the opinion
that they will best promote the in-
terests of the association by propos-
ing, until the next regular annual
meeting of this convention, the fore-
going rules and regulations, and re-
commend that the executive commit-
tee be required to prepare in detail a
perfected plan of organization, to be
submitted at the first meeting of the
association to be held hereafter.
They recommend, also that the as-
sociation be incorporated; but pre-
fer to leave the question of how,
when and where, to the executive
The blanks in the articles reported
by the committee were filled by de-
signating the third Tuesday of Sep-
tember as the time of the next an-
nual meeting, and East Saginaw was
selected as the place of holding such
The committee on the order of
business, reported the following reso-
Resolved. That two committees,
five each, one for white pine and one
for yellow, from the difterent manu-
facturing points, be appointed by
the chairman to recommend rules for
the uniform inspection, measurement
and classification of lumber, to
report at the next meeting of this
Resolved, That a committee of
seven be appointed to procure statis-
tics covering the amount of white
pine and yellow, and other valuable
timber standing in the United States
and Canada, and where located; also
the production distribution and con-
sumption of the same, and such
other statistical information as would
give the accurate idea obtainable on
all matters of interest to the lumber
trade, and your committee would

suggest that the corresponding sec-
retary of the association be made a
member of the committee, this com-
mittee to report at the next meeting
of the, association.
R. M. Forsman of Pennsylvania,
offered a resolution, urging the im-
portance of forming local organiza-
tions, which was adopted. On mo-
tion of W. H. H. Bartram, of Michi-
gan, it was voted that the secretaries
of local organizations be requested
to report the basis of said organiza-
tions am.d the names of their officers.
On motion of Edmand Blanchard
of Pennsylvania, it was voted that a
committee of five be appointed by
the chair to devise means to regulate
the supply of lumber in accordance
with the demand.
The committee on permanent or-
ganization made the following re-
President-L. D. Wetmore, War-
ren, Pa.
Vice President-J. G. Thorp, Eau
Claire, Wis.
Treasurer-Bodo Otto, Williams-
Secretary-F. E. Embick, Wil-
Corresponding Secretary-J. Hen-
ry Symonds, Boston, Mass.
Executive Committee-W. H. Arm-
strong, Edgar Munson, Williamsport,
Pa; R. K. Hawley, Baltimore; James
R. Smith, Buffalo; T. L. Kinsey,
Savannah, Ga.; George E. Scott,
Pensacola, Fla; C. T. Marston, Hart-
ford, Conn.; H. M. Prentiss, Bangor,
Me.; N. B. Bradley, Bay City, Mich.;
Thad. C. Pound, Chippewa Falls,
Wis ; Wm. Knight. St. Paul, Minn.
The gentlemen mentioned in the
report of the committee on perma-
nent organization were unanimously