The Wisconsin Lumnbemana

Carrier John & Co    m and d (Bay city).. .*-  ixvlfe
Nerrls & Hull m and d ......... EStella-Sumner P G
Hicks James    m    and d  .
'Tacker, Morris W & Co.
Ranfleld & Andrews    m and d ......  ......... Eureka
Davis & Curtis m and d ..............v........ Evart
Farewell Jas G   m and d......................
Hamilton & Mason     a m.......................
Lamb & Matthews m and d..................
Palmer, Welch & Rusa    m and d and staves.. .Exeter
Scofield 3 A  m and d........................
Travor   staves ...............................
Bloomer E J    m and d ..................... Fairfield
CalvinJohn    mand d.....................
Fuller & Sager p m.......................
OdellS&J      mandd......................
Myer Henry    shingles ................... Fair Haven
Schnoor H C   m and d and staves.
Farwell & Sawyer    m and d ............ .. Fair View
Parkins & Sons    m and d.................
Batcheller, Sleight   &   Co   m   and   d
(Chicago) ........ ................... Ferrysburg
Slatt & Co  m and d....................
WhtteGlover&Co      mandd......
Bailey C    C m and d .............        Fife Lake
4ilbert Ira W    m and d..................
Walter WL     a m .............             Flat Bonk
Atwood J B & Co    m and d          .         ................... Flnt
Beardsley, Gills & Co  sash doors etc.
Beoole, Fox & Co m and d.
Briscoe & Lockwoodo.
Busenbark & Stone.
Carpenter Samuel m and d.
Crapo W W in and d.
Decker Grant staves ... .....................
Eddy Chas C & Co     m and d..................
Eddy Jerome    p m ............................
Gibbs D & Co............................
Hamilton Wm     m and d......................
Hascall H C   m and d.........................
Lee & Wilcox .................................
Me Creery W B     p m........................
Mc Farland A    m and d......................
Smith Iliram   m and d ................  ......
Davenport Oeo & Co     m eall d ............. Florence
Grant & Saylor    m and d (i9ast Saginaw) .
Raskine, Martin & Wheeler m and d (East
Sagin'v) .............................
Merrill Chos & Co m and d (East SagInaw)
8haw & Willams     m and d....
Ford River Lumber Co   m and d (Chicago). Ford River
.Smith & Kelley   m and d (Au Sable) .... .... Forester
DwyerGeoG      am ........................ Frankfort
Hubbell & Wakefieid p m.
Hileman & Hessen    m and d ....4. .......... Freeport
Frultport Mfg Co m   and d .............. Fruitport
Gage Joseph    m and d ..................G Oagetown
Lloyd & MeNair m and d .. ........ Gaines Station
SayersBros    mand d................
Blakeslee Oeo A    m and d ....               Gallen
Batcbelor Slatt&Co    m andd ....        Grand Haven
Bigelow & Stone......................
Cutler D  m andd....................
Dirk & Barker   m and d..............
Eastman Galen m       and d.............
Ferry &   Bro  m and d................
Gibson James........................
Monroe & Howlett m and d..........
Reynoldsi     Emlay...................
Rysdorf&Busch        mb dd ........ ...
Stow   C L..........................
Wyman BUswell & Co.................
CalIeHK mandd                    .            Grard
Bradley H Rose p m .Grand Ledge
Lanson Edmund m         and d...........
Russell     am ........................
Barnhart & Oiterrhaut m     and d........
Borden A D    &  Co   p m................
Clancey John.........................
Clark r   B  k   Co eash doors etc........
Comnetock C    m    and d................
Crossette Gravea & Co   m    and d.......
Cutcheon L M........................
Cutler Rubi...........................
De6rsaf Vrlellg & Co sash doors etc..

Farrin & Co ................            Grand Rapids
Knight Geo L & Co    m and d ..........
KrumFoster&Co      prm ................
Long A B & Sons    m  nd d............
Lore i W    staves.....................
McElmer J G    m and d (Lockwood)....
Mackey Walker & Co lath mill (Chicago)
Nichols & Co p&m...........
Norton A    P &C ......l
Pardee Cook & Bro    m and d  ........
PewrGN    pm........................
PowersWH      pm .....................
Powers W T & Son ................
Putnam   Enos........................
Quimby J L ...........................
Roberts A & Son.......................
Robinson S& Co p m      ................
Ryan Yonng & Co    m and d ............
Ward E F & Co .........................
Webster A & Co p m ....... ......
Wheeler Reuben    sash doors etc.     Grand RapIds
Wilkins & Bachman     pm ..............
Withey L H & Co    me nd d...........
Wonderly Lumber Co     m and  d.
Dewory B m and d ..................... Grabidville
Jennison H ..........................
Belknap & Oliler sash doors etc ......... Greenville
Clark & Rhinesmith Lumbering Co. ....
Fuller & Gowan   m and d...............
Hart Henry    m and d...................
Hutchinga S G...........................
Jenks C C   a m...........................
WrightBrns ..............................
Pardee Cook & Blanchard m and d (A Far.
dee & Co New York) ..... .  .......        H.. ..... I Hlun
McRoberts A    m and d (Bay Clty) ..... ...... Hampton
Backus A J m and d (Backus & Bro De-
troit) ............................... Harrisfllle
Wesdons Colwell & Co   m and d.
HillsW    mandd .................... ...... Hart
Allen & Crook   m and d ......             Hartford
Hinckley Bros staves .
Olds & Crandal sash doors etc............
Walker a m ...............................
BentleyJ W & C G sash doors etc .....      Hastings
Hortin & Jacobs   m and d .....H Hazleton
Kellogg&Sawyer mandd .....                    Heath
Starker D F   a mI ................... ...... Hemlock
Blodgett D A   m and d ...................... Hersey
Gerriab Murphy & Co    m and d......
Sutton & Fisher d.Hilldale
FerrisR B mendd.Holand
Vanderveer E BCo staves and shingle mill.
Buszell Bros sash doors etc ................ Holly
Bavid Robt A   m   nd d ..............     Hopkins
Hlllard L  m and d..................
Chubb J P     8 m  ........................ mHoward City
Lord & Kipp a m.
Morgan & Quick m and d .
Mason & Reed .
Barnard J H & Co ...........................H owell
Blood E & Co ................................
WrightJ W     ansh doofs etc ................
R B lubbard & Co     m and d ............ Huron City
Bates Gould & Gorham     a m ................... Iona
Colby E& Co    m and d.......................
Stanton &Son m   and d.....................
Webber Bros m     and d................
Bennett& Woods ......................
Brooks C  F   d(Detrot) .....................
Baxter & Selfridge  pm ......... ........ Jonesville
Bixby Bros & Flagg   d ..................K lrlalmaso
Dewlng&Son mandd..................
Kellogg J E & Haltenhaus    m  nd d.....
Sweetiand & Co.......................
Tyler & Turner p m .
O S Abbott J Co   m and d ......K....... Kalkaska
Bailou Gestin & Co   nand S      .     .K.'K'lawkawllu
Wade & Pottys m and d .................. Lake Port
Ciley Bros & Co   sash doors etc .............L amont
Bellows W D & Bro    m sand d .............. Laugston
Briggs N H ................................
Bilififs Z  11................................
Crawlford & Co    m  ud d ...................
NortonJ D...............................