The Wisconsin Xumberman.39

elected officers of the national asso-
ciation for the ensuing year.
Mr. Gleason of Florida, introduced
the following resolution, which was
Resolved, That the thanks of this
convention be tendered to the West
Branch Lumbermen's Exchange, of
Williamsport, for the invitation, in
response to which the convention
met in this city, and for their very
courteous and hospitable reception
and entertainment of its members.
On motion of X White of Penn-
sylvania, a vote of thanks wasoftered
to the officers of the convention.
On motion of Mr. Bartram, it was
ordered that the proceedings of this
convention be published in pamphlet
form, and distributed among the
lumbermen of the United States.
The convention then adjourned
sine die.
The discussion of the reciprocity
treaty by the convention was quite
thorough. The discussion showed
conclusively that the interests of dif-
ferent localities and of the different
branches of the lumber trade are
-diametrically opposed to each other.
The first labor of the association
should be with the object of harmo-
nizing, so far as possible, these differ-
ent interests. The matter of a reci-
procity treaty with Canada must be
thoroughly canvassed before the
meeting of the next congress. The
" NATIONAL AssocATioN" should be
first and foremost in making that
canvass. There is no doubt but the
association, if strengthened by the
manufacturers of the northwest, will
exercise a very great influence and
bearing upon the action of congress
when the reciprocity treaty with

Canada shall again be brought before
one national legislators for discus-
sion and passage.
The lumber dealers in New York
and Philadelphia bear about the
same relation to the Southern, Can-
adian and Western manufacturers, as
Western and Southern retail mer-
chants and jobbers do to the great
wholesale houses of New York.
While there are nearly as many lum-
ber yards in either Philadelphia or
New York as there are in Chicago,
yet by far the greater portion of the
lumber sold by the New York and
Philadelphia dealers is purchased by
the carpenter and builders for local
use, or is used by the cabinet and
furniture manufacturers. Large quan-
tities of yellow pine are handled in
the eastern markets which is brought
by cargo from Florida, Georgia and
Virginia. The specialty in yellow
pine is flooring, although large quan-
tities of plank, dimension stuff and
ship timber is also used. Philadel-
phia is now using considerable white
pine from Michigan, although, very
naturally, the Susquehanna yet fur-
nishes the largest amount.  Several
firms are endeavoring to introduce
cypress lumber to the favor of con-
sumers, but with indifferent success.
At New York Canadian lumber is
largely used and is in better favor
than Michigan lumber for the reason
(aside from cost) that Canadian man-
ufacturers furnish the particular
standard of dimension-largely 13 ft.
boards-required by the New York
market. Some dealers in New York
