cost of 
an envir- 
game fam 
ities of 
ian Partridg has rmde a aucoesa and can               e    , 
dnt           bir. Tis bird has -        superior qu&alties and 
sein  to be in favor with all  ases      of people, Inoludin1 farrs, 
bird loers, sportme  and the public in 6nl       .getopr 
tunity for futhr ok eziats in the southeastern ad possibly 
In much or the southwestern par of 4i1onsin. 
ItI            r             ut natu    n         partridge 
proa~ting areas be located ond luebythe state for the 
p   o   of rearix) thes birds uder natural oonditions. The 
Ra4aran partridge hAs never been successfully rered on gum 
fm    at a reasonable cost, and h=** cannot b pro       ted at the 
tfringnwk pheasants. However, thre 
a                 in  ef     n a   Waukesha counties where 
gian partridges have Inoad to the extont that a covey of 
2  to 30 birds may be foud on each fa     of 100 ares in the 
best H   a         try. The rm          tion is that the oonservation 
ooisaion lease or acquire control of not less than 2,000 scres 
of the best        an partridge oomtr7, already stocked in 
WisonM, and detail a man to oontrol predators, to provide food, 
to plant valuable cover plants  and otherwise to encouage the 
Hugrian patridGe 'by favorubly eontrolli;xg the enviromet. An 
adeqatoplaningstoci oan be maintained froza this property and 
the srplus birds ea= be trapped up and shipped out to other portions 
or the state. This is thoroughly feasible. The work in 1929 demon- 
strated        a doubt that )Uu arian partridges oan be trapped up 
and ship p     in sconsin with very little trouble. We estimate the 
cost of lpping and shipping the birds at not 
re than $2.     per bird. granting only that ideal localities can 
be had and that a man can bo detailed to this work. 
The Mon Lake      far  and the surroing country has been 
gested as a site for this work, It has, however, these dis- 
adantagesa-(l) there Is but a very =   l stock of        an 
partridges in the vicinity. (2) it may not be as good partridge 
oas s           of the Jefferson couty lds. However, It has 
the virtue of havinL ao   predury aninal control           , 
an exellent man with whole-hearted interest available. 
e wish to reooaed, therofore, tatl work be undertaken on 
two such experimental areas for Euuian partridgeU.one at 
Mo   Lake and one in the best           partridge oountry that cas 
be foud neur Tort Atknson- 
This t virtually a new idea i United States, and offers 
dionsln anopportunity whiola ether states apparently have over- 
looked. We believe it is           tally sound and that once 
deveoped th   possibilities are ualt wa2.imted. IL corrects 
many of the difficulties of      propatlon undr etirely artif- 
i0ial conditions           fars. It       readily transferable to 
other G   , includ    te prairie chicken, the wild turkey and the 
.ental work with the vild turkey and                   ian 
am                   way is already in p~oras5 in 1900 at the 
state Caefarm. Two fields hawu been constructed and set aside 
for this purpose. However, results cannot be expected to be 
b to a large area operated under natural condit.ions 
3,       o We believe that there is an excellent opportunity 
to d       quail shooting in southwestern WiCOnSin, The quail