C161037      18      Feb. 6       29.20     Apr. 18      39.60     10.40

C161060      25      Feb. 22      21.50     Feb. 2       30.10      8.60

C161080J     62      Apr.  1      24.90     Mar. 18      30.25      5.35

C161095      34      Mar. 9       25.45     Feb. 16      30.55      5.10

C161120      52      Apr. 28      26.90     Feb. 15      34.35      7.45

C161122      21      Mar. 24      27.50     Mar. 14      34.65      7.15

C161129      20      Feb. 11      27.05     Feb. 14      35.20      8.15

C161124      22      Mar. 22      27.05     Mar. 18      33.95      6.90

C161117      12      Mar. 19      28.40     Nov. 29      34.05      5.65

C161203      11      Mar. 1       29.65     Apr. 18      36.05      6.40

C161205      13      Feb. 22      29.65     Mar. 19      35.25      5.60

C161207      10      Feb. 6       25.80     Jan. 14      31.25      5.45

C161226      33      Mar. 20      23.50     Mar. 17      28.50      5.00

C161227      12      Feb. 11      25.50     Mar. 22      29.15      3.65

C161232      18      Feb. 22      28.20     Mar. 29      35.75      7.55

C161233      43      Feb. 26      26.95     Mar. 8       38.15     11.20

C161242      27      Mar. 21      23.25     Mar. 30      36.20     12.95

C161298      11      Mar. 31      28.05     Mar. 29      32.20      4.15

C161306      18      Apr. 25      28.15     May   1      34.60      6.45

C161111      18      Mar. 19      22.20     Mar. 24      29.20      7.00

C161326      12      Apr. 4       26.15     Mar. 30      30.60      4.45

C161330      22      Mar. 24      24.60     May   9      36.85     12.25

C161333      24      Apr. 4       24.95     Mar. 18      30.30      5.35

Obviously, it is impossible to measure the conhplete seasonal change in weight

for every individual trapped in the wild. Table 7 shows the minimum and maximum

weights, the dates for those records and the range for each Golden-crowned
trapped ten or more times. These incomplete records for thirty-five birds
show sea- 
sonal ranges in weight from 2.9 to 20.1 grams, averaging 7.05 grams. These
seem large in comparison with the small average range for one day. However,
help to emphasize that body weight is a widely variable character in these
Table 8. Extremes and ranges of weights (in grams) of all Fox Sparrows trapped
ten or more 
Minimum               Maximum 
Band No.  No. Records  Date      Weight      Date       Weight    Range 
C102096      23      Mar. 24      30.00     May   1      39.35      9.35

A181364      19      Oct.  4      29.00     Mar. 1       35.40      6.40

A181359      20      Oct. 2       32.30     Feb. 17      36.90      4.60

A181358      17      Oct. 9       31.20     Nov. 22      37.35      6.15

C101970      53      Feb. 19      28.10     Nov. 6       36.10      8.00

C102064      66      Feb. 27      28.05     Dec. 2       38.35     10.30

C102097      38      Nov. 17      30.25     Mar. 30      38.00      7.75

0161005      10      Nov. 21      26.80     Nov. 9       35.10      8.30

C161048      21      Feb. 9       29.60     Feb. 4       36.80      7.20

C161186      13      Jan. 13      27.50     Jan. 17      32.85      5.35

C161049      11      Nov. 28      30.30     Dec. 8       33.75      3.45

C161044      17      Nov. 17      29.75     Mar. 7       38.45      8.70

C161191      17      Feb. 24      27.90     Feb. 10      35.60      7.70

C161192      16      Mar. 14      28.20     Mar. 7       36.15      7.95

C161213      21      Feb. 18      26.95     Mar. 14      34.40      7.45

C161221      10 *    Feb. 25      25.25     Feb. 3       31.70      6.45

C161206      11      Feb. 20      26.95     Feb. 14      34.60      7.65

C161235      39      Feb. 28      29.95     Mar. 29      37.20      7.25

C161064      16      Feb. 21      26.95     Feb. 15      40.80     13.85

C161259      10      Feb. 22      25.45     Feb. 17      30.65      5.20

C161262      24      Mar. 24      21.70     Mar. 17      27.85      6.15

C161318      43      Apr. 2       27.65     May   9      36.30      8.65

Table 8 shows for the twenty-two Fox Sparrows trapped more than ten times

each, the extremes and dates of their recording. The individual seasonal
ranges for 
these birds ran from 4.6 to 13.85 grams, average 7.49 grams. 
The fact that maximum weights of individuals are not always in the seasons

indicated in the earlier discussion as ones of high body-weight cannot be
taken as 
May, 1934