Nq"- 17,1930 
Dr. Oba*. T. Tavbie 
Der r, Yorh.ess 
I m tvy1ng to wrte a book ong-=    aemeti 
Onoatloa wt *khic   I Matepting a e2lassftcaton of j;M 
speces. fro ny aspect%    tueldm~g that of mliiu iter requro 
In thiu connootiin I rwtfbs with laterest aW dis- 
cusine with you h long time ago, oanE tut you migt be rUil. 
ing to classify some of the species on the attache  table, espc 
IVl the desert spoies, by placiwC an "" after the In the c1a..

to *1*11 you think they beog    If th elasuiftoAtion is based on 
opinion s ditingushe from matured. coolusons, :pat a circle 
around it as per loeeel at the top of tho pqo 
will apreiAte an help along thi~s line th-t you 
can ive rne  I of courwo ro-dIlz thAt In the case of io    ap.0ie5 
I will haes to leave tbam unlassfied         a.umn  one ; zw. ew 
about the. 
With best ronrs 
TOM-* steslyl 
ALDOW    o 
In Chre, GaeSoe 
Dictated b  Mr. Leopoldo 
tut stcuwi in his absence 
to *vid dely.