Tepa  outline  belo h". tw b*wtive 
I."* imv    cove conditions, and iumran   the vally quail onSrlc 
(R) To proide informtion on te duesrbility a effectivens of vaiu 
mangmntpracic*       ra   ltura  lands of nothr Calforna (as a pecto 
the gm   mwu  eat reeat      prgamo     the Uivesity of Caiforia* 
(1) An dqut      and well-disrtw~ed food sup 
(2) A scattrn     of brsh   escap an loafing cove    in wic th    id    a

take shelter fr   the map f      atm, and frow   rdtr animls, 
(3) A' scattering dispesi of evrre trees suitable as eowe forigh 
(4) A fteatring of sutable and at testing covwher the bids will 
nest and whae they will be resnbysafe fr         their  rincipa enemie wblch

are movig whins     diseW machins, Irrigtion water, lietok cate, .rs, 
jays, a'., 
Thmse is no adatg in having dese 0r extensive stands of any type of 
cove,   Such a cnitio woul be deotrimena utbo     than benficial to the birds.

Uprefer ope     pas in wtioh to fod  Wovi,  d those ao nt distant 
sespo cover or fro the habitual    ostIng site* 
31sna valy qal are naturall vr      prolif ic the protection offee by a 
simpl  imrvot of the essetial cove conditions should result in a subtn 
tial Increase In  opulation in a few yea   wltheut rseoure to the p1antixg
artiflial *took,