Pleose be preocred to answer the follo,.inI: questions or 
questions sirmilar to theu by Ji'.ly 25, on all three vErioties of prouse.

7-rovidinr, tht 25 or more counties in one bloc':- n'rc ononed on 
one or :,.ore varieties of r-rouse, do you recomiond C five and - half 
day open season boginrinr at noon, October 1, l92, and ondinp at 
5 P.r. Octobor 6, with a   g limit of five birds per day?  'ill such 
a season endanger  h e soc stock for your 19337 grousO cror7? 
"On what vriotios do you recommend an open so: son9  Is nublic 
opinion in your county for or against an open soeson9- 
Tot including individual and orpanization pheasant stocking 
efforts for the past 20 years, jmd uot including, the phcosrts 
stocked by private initiative the na,'t ti4o years, the kTiscorsin Con- 
servation Dexartment has, in l930 :nd 131, stocked, in cooperation 
wilth snor o -n and forrmers, tpprofimt,!y 40,00 p1e eas nts in 127is- 
i lcny southeastern counties now >.avo clooLt a ....u crop of 
phe casa:-its under oxistin, food and cover conditions. In miany of those

counties there is a conspicuous lack of interest in further propar7c.- 
tion and stocking:. In certain localities sur0lus cock birds concen- 
tr.teed on local areas are doin, dar, o b-7 fighting and the breaking 
up of nests. In other areas where there is a concentration of birds, 
considerable dac+.e is oin, done to crops, p)articularly during plant- 
in,. vnd hr.rvosting time. 
This deportu nt does not bcliove that it is necessary to attempt 
to fil a count- to ovarf.moina before an open season on nhoasant 
cocks cen be dccli red. 7uch more interest in prop* aation, stocking, 
winter feeding:, and cover restoration cum be aroused by a short open 
sooson with a limited   g limit th' n by the romiso of such an open 
season evontually to como. In soma colr tics there are a number of 
pheasants ta..cn in violition of the law each year. Vardnns cro doing 
all the  can to prevent this, but such violations cannot be stopped 
entirely until rublic interest throwghout the county is thorouphly 
aroused. Undoubtedly, the best way to arouse this feclin, is the 
interest and stimdlation of an oen season. 
It is anticipated tht -Qcveral counties will wish an open scson 
on rinp,-ncck cocks for a two or three day season this fall. In view 
of this, arranpemonts arc being ode at the state game form at Fish 
Crook to hold over from 1,000 to 2,000 surplus cock birds for re- 
stocking in counties -re  n open soason has been declare1d. Those 
birds will be stochod after the shootin' season and will be dis- 
tributod at points where they are ot needed. 
..ny counties -re just beuinninr  Gheir nhesnt stockin, propram. 
Interest is still at a peak and an open season ct this time would