in the northern and central game districts are deer, beqver, muskrats, 
prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse; in the southeastern and south-

western districts, muskrats, ring-neck pheasants and Hungarianpartridge.

Rabbits, squirrels and ruffed grouse are the most important lass B game 
in all districts. In refuge recommendations game species will heret-after

be listed according to this classification. 
The following excerpts from the American game policyrecently 
adopted at New York indirectly covers efficient ways of organization and

forms of compensation in a general refuge system. It is recommended that

the game division be permitted to encourage in every way possible farmer-

sportsman relationships that tend toward organization, and that as much as

possible all forms of compensation be experimented with. New ideas can be

created by experimentation. 
"Farmer-Sportsman Relationships. Ways to organize. Forms of 
Compensation. Spvrtsmen can establish working relations with farmers as:

Private individuals (preserves). 
Closed groups (clubs). 
Public groups (associatiohs). 
Collectively through governmental agencies (public shooting grounds) 
Farmers can establish working relations with sportsmen as: 
Neighborhood groups or pools. 
Compensation to landowners for the privilege of hunting may take the 
form of: 
Cash rental per acre (lease). 
Cash payment per head of game killed, to&l system. 
Casb payment per man-day hunted, toll system. 
Payment of part or all the tames on the land. 
Service payment by hiring patrol to protect landowner's property. 
Service payment by installing food  coverts, and refuges. 
Service payment by restocking game. 
Rggulation vs. Inaction. Each possible combintlion of these alter- 
natives has advantages end disadvantages. None is perfect.