magpie attack the Hungarian partridge on the wing and success- 
fully kill the birds. This bird would likewise be capable of 
destroying quail if in need of food. 
Coyotes, weasels, skunks, rats and bull snakes are found 
in limited quantities in and about the area studied. The dan- 
ger from this source would likely be lessened with the advent 
of settlement, with perhaps the exception of the rats. Stray 
cats and dogs are a problem here as in other districts and 
measures should be taken to rid the area of them whenever possible. 
Considerable poisoned grain is placed in the fields for 
the destruction of the Columbian ground squirrels, which are a 
serious pest in this community. No birds have been found or 
reported dead from poisoned grain; one covey was flushed on a 
plot poisoned last year. 
As to the emigration of birds to other districts, no 
information was obtained other than reference to the distance 
traveled by these birds. (See references.) From this infor- 
mation it is not to be expected that the birds would leave 
under favorable conditions. 
Shooting has greatly increased in this area to date. The 
information obtained and given below was received from Lr. E. 
Rosenkranz, county game warden, Whitman County, and deals with the 
county as a whole. However, it is indicative and gives some idea 
as to the increase that might have taken place in the number of