to obtain aompl.t, ocrsuzees it wsne>.saary to use appoimate 
*umcr bt.aed on partial ensusas ozj,.estimates of api~q 
coopertowar In all Ostes these figue wtro ohek~e &ainst 
reports  ir observations on  an,,r auroxiing the atudy areas, 
Af ter osreful    14.idration .,f a-11 avai able Infrtion It 1s the 
beliel of Ute writers th,.at the data reprcar.  a 
*oourute recor4 fc:~*~t~                    In thc inedleta 
Ea~ f tine 00"Us 6.ras was approximately two thvUan411 
aa s In ats*,  ihe iohig1&n ara Is slear I,ti~l4l, ILerawe 
0ountys In the &outheuaster part of' the istate, Finfhll reoords 
are from the Adrian, dAchigan, weathez station, twelve riles 
Sway, 2he caoeast wathr station. whioh 4-1ves total amuts 
of suhne Is near Toledo, Uhlo, &,;prol~tely twenty miles 
fCroR the consus area, The Wis  isn cenaus area is 4t PFavll 
Qrvq  ea  Ake  Jills, Jeffertson -C ;nty, In the southeastr 
part of the state* RaIntaUl was recorde at the nearby Lake 
Willa  ia',e station.o      insn Yacorda are frmMadison, 28 
141l(  aWay, Alty;ho  the l 'vill, G)rove ct.;T us areai i b tOut 250 
,,iles wes~t and 00cles not    fteMoia           a there arppers 
to 'be little dif'ference In t--s dates- of the bgnai anid ending 
of the nu   id  e nea.tii; season. 
11ting 'need not be considered In relatilon t. poplation 
on ei*ther census area, *inee the partrId e Is prot sated 
under the ihig_,an gar.z laws, azd th"e ? aville lr,_ve, ?4saonsiri

area was closed to huing 4- dturing the period covered by thte census. 
Th  nnual kill of prideon far-ma ail oundlr,-r thle !;isa,3.ia 
area Is S-al,