oPy sent Messrs. Kellogg, Johnson, 
and Baldridge 
Albuquerque, No w Mexioo. 
July 10, 192. 
. A. H. Dinsmore, 
U, F,. Bureau of Fisheraes, 
W~shlng  , D.  , 
Dear Sir, 
I have read witha greAt deal of interest 
your contribution to the Poreet Service bulletin 
entitled "Trout aters of the Nationil Forests". 
So-me of your           as to the aoet 
economioal methods of stooking h&_vo a very praoti- 
cal bearing in the Southwest, I wish you 0ould tke 
a look at this oontry eoin time and ive to the 
State Gme Department the benefit of your observations. 
One of our fundaantal problems is the in- 
troduction of trout s3oies which will extend fishing 
into lower and warer waters. On the Poes, Jemes, 
and Gila groups of trout waters, m    miles of the 
main stream below the lower limit of the native blaok- 
spotted trout are either empty or inhabited only by 
bony tails nd suckers. I have heretofore assumed that 
the izntroduction of brown trout extended the fishing 
further down thhe streaas but recent evidence ob-tained 
from the Pecos indicates that this aeumption may have 
been i norreet. ,.hat can you tel us about the oompara- 
tive temperature re uirelnerits of the two species and is 
there any actual data to show that the brwns will thrive 
further dovn than the natives? 
Thanking you for your attention to this question, 
Very sincerely yours, /