R.1-13 Box 105 
1ausau, 7is* 
2Tarch 11, 1944 
Professor Aldo Leopold 
Dent. I"ild Life 11anagement 
424 University 7arm Olace 
,adison, "tisconsin. 
Dear  ofessor; 
Yours of the 8th. recieved, Thanks for yotr kind interest in my work and

su'estions, The material you offer will certainly be appreciated and I will
try to 
absor"be all. 
I just got through reading some of your work, that which you wrote for that
arms company 
Some Of the peonle you mention therein I have known since we wore those familiar
cornered nants. 
I am sending for a lot of namplets on game management and the one you recomend,
I wish 
other inte-rsted people were as co-operative as you are, it would be for
the best interests 
of conservation in which all should show more interest. 
I air particularly havinp trouble aetting information from our own conservation
they are not a bit co-onerative, I get better response from other states.

I nersume they rate me as another crack-pot trying to stick ny nose into
affairs not of 
my conce rn. 
This is a natural trend in Am'erica, we all like to think our neighbor is
shy of buttons 
because he becoms inarossed in some subject that we c.re little about. That
hails from 
thoeries of snecialist nsychiartrists who beleive all men are psycho on that
nhase of life which interests a man and usually provides the necessary means
of livelyhood. 
c- it worries me little as does the reluctance of our game managers to give
me information. 
I met it anvinv in time, but of course it forces me to go from one phase
to the other as 
material becomes availible. 3ut I have  any angles to work on and that will
take much time. 
I intend to visit the scenes of my boyhood in the not too distnnt future
to study the 
trees, shrubs, 1nd other ohases connected with game manaement. I want to
visit the 
ttoon,    oepenick and other areas in langlade, County and other points to
lake Gogebic 
in ..ichi 7an, 'hicb is a section I walked and hunted prior to 1900. 
I also want to visit the Doodyear is. Area -hich I also knew as a boy, I
want to see 
"'hat kind of trees grow there now and see thiat soil again. That soil
was pecular in those 
days, seem to be a mixture of ashes and sand, and was covered then with nine
i wonder if you can tell me wh re I can get some information on the deer.

I want to study what effect harvesting adult deer exclisively will have against
the habit 
of harvesting Antlerless deer which includes the young. 
I want to try to find out what effect it will have on size, health and other
To do this I need the Statistics which are hard to get, but have considerable
data, which 
is not com-ilete enough to make tables and graphs of for study. I get a trickle
of such 
data in an indirzct way from time to time, this forces me to go from one
phase to the other 
Sometimes vYhpn working on material pertaining to the National Forests, I
find items 
-nertaininr to " isconsins orests or some remote state. 
v the looks of things the history of isconsins deer herd and habitat will
be the last 
I will work on due to the reluctance of officials here to give out information.

That will be overcome in time I am sure, there are several ways to bring
that about, I am 
debtin' which course of proceedure will be the most effective and at the
same time, the 
most valuepble to the public. That the public wants just now is Statistics
judgeing from 
-uestions being asked at sportsmens meetings, I belong to about a dozen clubs,
and have 
reason to know, even the ladies are asking for data on how many deer were
killed in this 
or that rrea9 or want to know how many deer tags or licenses were issued
for this period 
or that one, how it comnares with the :tate Of Michigan or Pennsylvania.