Investigation with the State University, upon which several people are employed.

The r s.. ch  uot'riag :ni;±]z in the w¥ild relates to the diseases
and parasites 
of small birds Cand mn2.Mals,-of moose and deer, and of cyclic species, parti-

cularly the snovishoe hare and the ruffed grouse; and to development of a

nontoxic alloy for use in the manufacture of shot for duck hunting, which
substituted for that noji;" employed would eventually do away with the
menace to 
waterfowl off lead poisoning. A promising lead magnesium alloy has been found,

but the investigation will be continued.   It is believed that the disease

respongible for the periodic die-off of the snowjshoe hares has been identified.

Its effect is to redude blood sugar to a fatal level; from symptoms it has
named shock disease., 
In Nebraska, study of duck sickness on the alkaline lakes of the 
Sandhill Section by representatives of the Biological Survey has been facili-

tated through collection of ailing birds bi the State Game Commission. 
Qljclaoma.--- Life-history and management invest igations of the lesser 
prairie chicken and bobwhite in cooperation with the State Game end Fish

Commission of Oklahoma were briefly reported on in 1936. 
New hkmrshg.-- A State forest is the site of investigations in New 
Hampshire of cover; man-1pulation as affecting the ruffed grouse and other
life. These are intended to develop methods that can be applied where desired
the ever-increasing area reverting to woodland in New England. 
Bureau coo-eration.--: The Biological Survey has always cooperated with 
the States in making the food analyses 'o readily done in its laboratories
so difficult where similar equipment and collections are not available. Among

the more extensive recent investig-ations of this character have been examinations

of material illustrating food habits of the ruffed grouse and foxes, for
New York Conservation Department; of the American merganser and otter, for
Michigan Department o Conse:vation; of a general collection of predators,
for the 
Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, now attached to the State College of Michigan; and
hawks killed for bounty, for the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners.

Department of Ariculture 
Including certain organizations previously mentioned in connection with 
cooperative work are some bureaus that carry on also independent research

bearing upon Wildlife. 
Bureau of Animal Industry.-- Of those in the Department of Agriculture, 
the Bureau of Animal Industry indexes the world literature, and has assembled

an outstanding collection, of parasites, which it studies for one purpose,

among others, of learning about transfers of parasites from wild to domestic

animals or the reverse. Its taxonomic investigations have dealt with groups

parasitic in ruminants and in such important ga-me birds as grouse and quail.
this field of work the Bureau of Animal Industry deals largely with internal

worm parasites. 
The Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.- Investigates chiefly 
external-arthiropod (inise-ct and allied) parasites. Research has laid the
work for control of these organisms whenever it shall be found necessary.
destruction of quail in the egg by fire ants is being studied in an attempt
