12. Pinon pine (Pinus edulis) 
Browsed on the Kaibab, but not until other feed 
is exhausted. (Raohlford) TLe nuts are, of 
course, a favorite food. 
13.  White fir, balsam (Aies concolor) 
On the Kaibab young t rees are browsed -aon, to 
hedge-like form. Rachford says the deer like 
it quite as well as cliffrose. 
14.  .estern yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) 
Browsed on the Kaibab. Rachford says the deer 
llke it quite as well as cliffrose. Analysis 
of some Kaibab specimens shojs about two-thirds 
as much protein as wheat. 
Sizer says some pine (seedlings?) are eaten on 
the Apache. 
15. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) 
On the Kaibab aspen is eaten so greedily that 
sprout reproduction is elirinated and felled 
trees are quickly defoliated. 
Talbot has seen deer eating aspen leaves in late 
fall.  Sizer says it is eaten. It is probably 
an ilportant brosine. 
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