sider and outsiders scared of the local. 
The greater use has brought more law abiding citizens out and 
naturally there is a difference as a certain amount of dlanish- 
ness has been busted up. 
3.     The refuge is in its infancy. We hear favorable comnents, and 
as a whole the public is sold to the advantages. 
In conclusion, I would lile to recommend the early selection 
of a Warden or Acting Warden as the objection to the use of CCC help 
on gane protection work may be quite a back set. The CCC men do not 
appreciate being denied the Warden's privileges and as soon as the 
hunters find that we are crippled to the extent of using our largest 
man power we will be worse off than if we had stayed off the protection 
Wm. P. Dale, 
Dist. Ranger.