L STT3 rHG, May 16 P . H. - The four-dozen live 
moose captured during the past winter by Department of 
Consorvc.tion workers on Isle Royale will be planted in 
three different areas of Michigants upper peninsula. 
The numbers of noose released in those 
iplantings" depend l-rgoly on how the animals endure the 
long boat ride from isle Royale to the Michigan mainland. 
But it is definitely planned, however, to make releases near 
the tiD of IToweenaw peninsula, in the Cusino Gano refuge unit 
and in the 7scanaba River tract. 
One truck load of noose, probably a half-dozen 
in number, will be planted near the tip of ievoonaw peninsula; 
two truck-loads, about 12 in number, in the Escanaba River 
tract and the balance of the moose, or about 30, in the 
Cusino Game Refuge unit where nine Isle Royalo noose, live- 
trapped on the island during the uintor of 1934-1935, were 
released a year ago. 
'Paul Ilickio, mamnalogist, and Dr. Don R. Coburn, 
pathologist of the Department of Conservation, are on Isle 
Royale supervising the crating and transfer of the moose 
captured at Chippcra ....rbor and at Siskiwit bay. 
Before release on the Mic&ii7an mainland the 
noose will be car-t    d and numbered with aluminum tags, 
an almost bloodless oporatior4 and sprayed to kill the ticks 
with which they may be infested.