bY coaoist. patches plaa lipper, with "~ palatable Part shocked, 
9. lIn Wisconsin   hav  had poor luck~ wth adztures. We rrefer to sgo 
10. ftr OA. climU, in the wveaq    year, plantings must be in before 
J~s. 1 to be sa*e* 
11, Topi~nbur =q be the answs to the gme mmge' s prayer for a preu. 
12. ~Iti1 Orimuer did it, w al oerooe acors as a food for station$. 
In Germany they a" widely gathered and usd, 
V1ethe winter-food4 vau  of patches has prove to be below o~ttions, 
the bait ualn-i.., the ho1nig and attrating power-has proven to be grater.

ZLMM. NoWe     kening to the fact thnt beptfooi   is too exesv 
and per~haps too isaw for the bias. The ~Wopaan strw-pile mtho4 ma prove
to be 
a chmew vabstItute fow    indlers wh    live near their feders, bu1t for
feeders there *   rt no"( of  i evd  ,opeo  Halns to bepinino at the

bottom of the problem by Aaaytinr hof-eor.nxpwtIen,    I urge  zt1~ wr ele

whem~re to this *m  ond. 
ftgj~j~j* Dspite fourw years of trial. w hna not yet eaed     in 
building up a Hun popm1ation by uaaeet       Have ym , As tar as I 1-:nw,
it has 
neve beon donet In Ameia. Yeatter (lid not get to the stae of teting 'is
Yes6in alone has not raised our partidgs stand. as it has quail and 
pheasant. 'No have esvew plantings coming up, but it Is pretty cortain that
will mean much less to partridge than to quail an -Peaat.    V# are still
doubt wht the factor is whic maks thin Gesatties the universal rule In Chic

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