Copeo fort ITirkq foldor 
His tory foler 
(btoerpt from *Cnservation III lay Rbert £wmons ftpy     Anaddress
at the Plawsant Valley Bird and Wild Flower ~Sauay  Lenox Msse. Auust 10.

1939. Reprinted from Nowmbe, 1936v issue. of the 11ulletin of the Urden Club

of America.,) 
pp 4 ad 5.      01have read pmelaws pougtdb          h   pua~ 
a~t Limn, Pem, In the yeat 1555, the wrdig of thioh is not unlike a u&et

that migt have been Just passed %W the ftsum4Imetts 1.gis3atae. It w~ 
not until 16TIh narly a cetr     W54 a urter late, that aw'thing simiar 
ws togt of In a British colony in America. 
- - " -- -   A* 
Oeraps the most telling of aco~mttization Is the case of 
the mild tuk7    wich theo osmhett, settlo.-r found just b~ind the 
oea *hore, sAd which a11 America= poceeded to shoot so merril that It 
was soon wipd out throu* Altyt7~t1   handredths of Its original rwe. 
Xht the Sparsposessed taaxkqTs un~er dmmetiatioxx by' the your 1520. 
Within the next quater century the bird beea&e spread throuoirnt the
length of tb* ModitrraeAn to the Lavant. Darla the reIgn of E~txaheth 
It was itrodu*edt Into Ralad allegedl from Turkey. when the mm. 
Possibly this resulted frcm C :esa )ee'e ovetures toward the SUltan for a

godly aliance, against Spaiat At w rte, just about the time that wo 
ourselves had killed off the last of the       oom~fcet nativo game bird
Now   gand, domestic turke we brgt In again acros the Atlatie by 
the ba*k dor, so to spseak. Let us remesber same of the things uhan we 
aro temted. to 4*ell upon our ow superiority at oolonlsere, in contrast 
with the Spzardsl thiW amy help no to eeo more clearly some of our natiozal

shrteting that maks the attle for onaservation to lont mat hart.0