National Association of Audubon Societies 
For the Protection of Wild Birds and Animals 
1006 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 
January 30, 1940 
Professor Aldo Leopold 
424 University Farm Place 
University of Wisconsin 
College of Agriculture 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Aldo: 
With apologies for delay---we have 
been considerably handicapped with illness of 
stenographic staff, etc.----I hasten to send you 
enclosed herein the Texas map with the location 
of the various sanctuary islands indicated thereon. 
This in response to your letter of 
January 8, I do not see any reason to be secre- 
tive about the location of the nesting birds of 
these sanctuaries, no matter how rare any of them 
may be. As a matter of fact, I would say that none 
of them are actually rare as far as occurrence in 
Texas is concerned. 
I hope that some day soon you might 
have an opportunity to visit our sanctuaries in 
the coastal lagoons of Texas, probably in May or 
June which is the height of the breeding season 
of the colonial nesting birds there. They furnish 
an impressive and beautiful sight. 
E     1incerely, 
JohWn H. aker 
JHB:C                     Executive Director 