tions in various parts of his kingdom; and he had waterfowl 
kept in ponds which he had laid out with water conduits. All 
this was part of Frederick's program of game management. A 
systematic study of such managementwould require a good deal 
of wor1 in original sources and administrative enactments 
such as in Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs, edited by Boehmer 
and Ficker. In secondary material I can only refer you to 
the very excellent bibliography in the Frederick the Second- 
of Ernst Tantorowicz, translated by E.O.Lorimer, New York, 
1931. The bibltogr.phies to chapters four and five of vol- 
ume five of the Cambridge M7ediaeval History are also useful,. 
In most of it, however, a knowledge of Lati rmi-sore or less 
necessary. I only regret I have not been able to give you .. 
more information of the kind you wanted; specific reference 
to grme control is rare, and the practice itself In the Middle 
Ages was not widespread. A careful studv of it would be a 
useful contribution to the history of mediaeval civilization, 
as well qs to the generpl history of ideas in game manage- 
Sincerely yours,