.Voo in..fo    t Lee) .L 0 eas i ,oc ".   is going out tnae Ifover.ese.
12ne soft- 
wood index for the ,,,eek w," 37,,00 v.-hilc. last yea-rs indez for
the same weehk was 
28603 showing the increase that has telhen piace. 
Determined to Keer Hs Bon~e- Coyote refused to dryp his load even at the
of his life. Ranger Beii ab-urz of the Gila tells m   interesting sbry of
a coyote 
he came upon while it was gn.ing a huge thigh bo-Ae of a horse. Instead of

slunking away as is tho c'         oyotes, -.'-his oaz  gathercd up the tI
igh bone 
and took it along. Nabours rode, "os9 but the coyote kept the bone even
though it 
was so heavy he could scarcely Yu'   Kabours decided to try to rope him and
right alongside then concluded he would better shoot him. By this time coyote

and horse were covering Ground pretty fast. Nabours shot twice with his 
shooter but missed both times, 1r. Coyote concluded, however, that the Ranger

had an unfair advantage. He reluctantly let go his bone and took to the brush.

He got away but surely did hate to give up that thigh bone. 
Field.  Pooler, Long (Coconino); Jones (Crook); Myers, Cook (Gila); MoNaught

(Crook); Hughes (Apache). 
Visitors:" E. %. Kelley, W'ashington (Coconino) 
L       Marsh. 
Agt ng   Cheney.