Thursday, June 5. 
Dear Dr. Curtis: 
If you will look this over, offering criticisms, 
suggesting something in or out, I will as I said before, 
appreciate it no end. Doing up a piece like this 
after a iew hours in the place a[U W ibLUI t  Ua liLIU 
such as I would like to have, is pretty risky. I am relying 
upon you to keep me from making a jack ass out of the 
paper. Let me thank you for everything--including the 
typed information on the succession of flowers* 
I think I know how you feel about this place, and 
what it signifies to you, and I do want to get that over. 
So go to it. By the way, I looked into those Havighurst 
books. They are marvelous. The lumberjack stuff 
is the weakest, albeit the most entertaining. Want to 
thank you for steering me to him. He is like so many of 
those Swedes or Norwegians. Give them a pencil and paper 
and they can work up a splendid Jag and be miles from 
a bottle cork. When it comes to firing the mind, those 
Scandahoovians are the tops. Picked up Giants in the Earth 
years ago one night and read it until dayltght.