March 13, 192, 
Mr. Austin Carey, 
c/o Forest $ervice, 
Washington, D, C 
Dear r. Carey: 
It is always pleasant to receive an 
aIppreciation of an article, and it gives me 
special satisfaotion to know of your approval 
of th"Wilderness Poliilpronose4 in the 4lovoem 
ber Journal* 
The idea has aIready received more 
recognition than I Ix-d hoped for,  Colo Greeley 
yersonally advised  a to publish my idea, imply- 
ing a certain degree of personal sympathy with 
it; Major Kelley plans to briefly mention and 
recognise it in the new hoad & Trail Manual, 
and the District Foroster is wlling to enter- 
tan proposals for its aTlioation in the road 
and trail plan of the Gila Forest whore I hope 
to work it out inidental to inspetion this 
summer,   I quite agree with you that it is a 
matter best covered by a quiet and gradual agree- 
ment rather than by loud publicity* 
I hope I have an opportunity to see 
you again one of these days. 
Very sincerely yours, 
P.S. Will furnish you with any          sin 
further material on this 