A. Map 4" - mile 
1. Enter on the map plantation boundaries. 
2. Location and size of w ildlife areas within plantations. 
(Encircle wildlife areas with blue crayon 
3. Number each W.L, area within the section. 
B. Collection of Su-,l ementary Data 
For each site (dry or moist) within each area reserved for wildlife 
determine the following: 
1. Plantable acreage. 
2. T,37.og 7phy,- Abrupt, rolli.g or flat, 
3. Drainage - Poor, well or imperfectly underlaid by hardpan 
or clay, 
4. Soil texture- vog. and woody peat, muck, sand, loamy sand, 
sandy loam or clay. 
5. Ph Reaction -   5-6, 6-7 or 7-7.5. 
6. Fertility - High, moderate or lov. 
7. Crown density - Heavy, medium, light or open 
(Include trees, shrubs and large herbaceous plants 
to determine dogre of density). 
C. Trees and shrubs rocomrnudod for plantinp. 
From the above data det'crmine game food and cover plants adapted to 
site (Use game food and cover planting clart.) Two species recomended 
for each site 6'x6' spacing. 
Send duplicate copy of completed form to Suporvisor's Office.