iaws given by Aiphonso X "the Learned" for rrotection 
of game at the Uortes de Valladolid (Csstile) in 1258: 
"34. xienen por bien en rrazon del- cacra dels Terdizes e 
delas liebres cue non tomen los hueuos alas perdizes nin tomen 
la perdiz yaziendo sobre los hueuos nin Lonen los perdipones 
fata que sean egupdos, e Jos coneios e las liebres e las perdi- 
zes que non los caqen con nieue fata cue pueda foyr 1Iq ciqa."1 
'ranslstion: " ...in regard to the game of partridges '-nd hares 
that they should not take the eggs away from partri(I-es while 
laying on the eggs nor should they take the young rartrid7es 
before f       ,nd th. rsbbits cnd thi hares and the r rtrid- 
ges shofId not be hunted  rith snow util the time when the game 
can flee." 
"35. Otrosi mandn el Hey cue ninrno non cnqe desde !'  car- 
nes tolliendas fetn Spnt miruel sinon fuere con aue. rst qi  l 
quier que ninguna cosa destos cotos de la caqa passare que pe- 
che por cada uegsda cue c'are XX mr. e que nierda ia caqa; e 
el Pue non oulere de que pechnr esta calomniq que ypga en pri- 
sion del hey a su merced. n't si en alsu os log-res han mayores 
cotos sobre l. cn-qa cue lea ufolpn 
Translation: "Also the king coHnds thpt nobody should hunt from 
varnestolendns (±hree days before Ash 'Iednesday) tr Michelmas 
unieo   f L it I done ,it  bird of prey. Anybol yho any of these 
rreventions would overlook si(iu 1ay ifor eaah tIme he -'oul-i hunt 
twenty mrvedis and tht -ame must be forfeited; and t  r- oe 
vho did not have means tc pa7 this fine should go into the King's 
prison -t his mercy. And, if in some other Tlfces they nave lon- 
gor limitations on game they should be enforced." 
At the Ac' Thenis le In Historla in MaIrid there i -   ano- 
ther copy of thiq document authorized in 1577 in vwhich it can 
b- reads 'fter this paragraph on hu'ting !nnther one in referen- 
ce to fishirg: 
"11ienen por bien que ninguno sen osado de pesc-r truchas nin 
de las torar en iinmin,? manera del dia Omnium i..ntorum fcta el 
primer dia de marqo et el que lo fiqiere cue sea el cuerpo a 
raerced del hey." 
i rsnslstion: "...ihey command that nobody should dare to fish 
trout nor take them in nny fqshion from All Saints to the first 
day of March and the one -rho should do it should Isy his body 
at the mer'y of the King." 
(JudFing by the lnauFe of this pnragrPph it was also written 
about 1280)