Mr. A. L. 
independent of a direct water supply. As I remember, Hall 
in his observations found that nursing does had a tendency 
to concentrate within reasonable reach of water holes. 
The situation there changes very definitely as soon as the 
forage plants become frosted in the fall. At that time 
there is a very definite dependency upon water supply and 
a concentration in the vicinity of springs or water holes. 
Observations at the deer traps indicate that at that sea- 
11 son deer water approximately every three days.   It is 
quite possible that I may be able to obtain some specific 
information regarding the antelope but at the present time 
J It is my understandikig that these animals are limited in 
their distribution to areas where water is available. 
There are probably certain seasons of the year when this 
is not so definitely a determining factor. 
In the area on Grays River where we were working 
on insect control there were, I believe, more ruffed 
grouse than on any similar section in the West with which 
I am familiar. A rather interesting observation there was 
that within a distance or 3 or 4 miles along the river 
there were at least three goshawks' nests. There is an 
excellent opportunity there to determine for this particu- 
lar section the relationship between predatory birds and 
the grouse supp ,4..jst before leaving I saw one brood 
of young birdsit-in 300 yards of the goshawk's next. 
Arrangements are being made for the assignment of 
a biologist or associate biologist to the Great Basin Ex- 
periment Station and tentative arrangements are being 
made for me to take this position. There is a little dis- 
cussion at present regarding the designation of the posi- 
tion, as to whether it will be associate or full biologist 
basis. So far it seems the Biological Survey desires to 
hold these positions to not exceed the associate rating. 
In general your assumption regarding the positions which 
I might be interested in is correct. However there might 
be advantages other than salary which would make certain 
assignments desirable at less than the figure you are tak- 
ing as a standard. 
The table is being returned and although I have not 
entered anything on it, you are free to use the information 
I have given as a basis for entries as far as you see fit. 
Very sincerely yours, 
Regional Forest Inspector. 