Zxrc    from 'Fob  Kma  'vmisD~a t* of Maie, Now It Is flatod &ad 
C ultivat e  in N r h A w ic , T g t e   w it h  t h e  ifm   Us   of  This
 Cow p  plant, 
pp. 1416; Chams dv, duck, and goes* prfe             thisR foo  to 41l otbr.

Mh1ke aleo lay better whe    to are fed ou&.     In a wrd wthout metio.

I kno  of no cltivated plat whic    is to univesll and Cr*d1j     w    tb

all doetic stals. 
Saw deliius thUs food in to al1 sorts of ims is to be inforrod frm 
thist  I barly kno of an    culit~ed plant which has o man    e    as miso

from tb* time it begins to ripen, and ee after It is stored.L   * wap 
rats an mice leavewheat, ry     n all other fod utuba         s ogaste 
bAT &00u09 to aize in th   field or storehuse. Oros also pWr mail* to

all oto  types of food~. Maize thieves are of three typo-the 9mad       
Amea squirrels, grudsqmirels, or these *1ic       live for th most part 
in the soil ad do nt clim   trees. wopefvof various gortgSan e        tl

birds. are so grd    for miss that it is alst imossible to oa*them =W 
from the field by sm inth4 of frigtening or trpig         The bird are preet

duin   the day and th  squrrls durin    the night. In a few ut~ts If wn 
disturbed, sqdmrls ma ert &m       from the, Vwr balf a tub orw     re
their nest.  When the mUisI ripe, but still in the field, I be    #ueolf

soo a farmer with his gupg to th. ond of the field an     shoot at the mt"

thieves, wh  do not allw themelv'es to be friteno frm      the Leoltetes
Finally, the whoe swa   of them moe forward from     n  of th  field to 
the othe. Whim the farer reurns, tb~ fly bak to the part of the field 
whey the wer befoe, an     so tbq switch from ons, an of the field to the

Other, Ontirely .00rdin   to hew the farme Purta    tbd.   Uw*y almost w

the fante out before he is able to scare them mm, alhuhno         n  then
sheots one of them, In orde   to rid the mlse of all those dsrciepusts, 
the govrning bodies in all pats of that country have been. called po    to
a defite bounty to be paid on squirrels, e, mise thieves, wopces 
and other poste. An almostInocialanwspdinPnyvna                         
for squmrl heads for a single year, naey, from J~ar 1, 17", to t 
so" date, 1750. Wboa the represeentatives from 41 r.egin    in Peneyvaia
at the begining~ of 17N0 to oasce ssary l&, the roeeved compliatg from

all reions that the trauiswe" emt          solely beams* of squirrls.

Preiously a law had been memted that 3d. (which is about 12 to 14 8e keppiat)

should be paid from the geeral 0ffens for eah squlrrtl head. Sohg       
the spirit Of vegene    gone aist these animas, that duin the oe Yea 
6000 Pouds in PaaaqlVAsia curec bad boon laid. This Uo 40,000 platar 12 
Our mOMW. When I her this discussed above all .leo in the city, it wom 
in~n~is~leto me until Mr. Fra~lino who hs gone so far In exprimets with 
eletriity, andwh    is so of their outstanding leislators, wcueied me o 
the truth diretly fro   the  o  wns     Thhih     qodju*Ieatbtd 
to the fat that when os ueosoive 3d. for ea% squirrl it paid to go ito 
the 10eds to hut these 07*&turs. Man Yon pepl in prticlar V         
all other wr end wat to the woods to sheet squirrels. Tba lesaur       as

therefoe  forced to reea   the law adl~g    it fro 3d. bouty to baf that

smfer a heed.