at 04 Wft       *W V a 10lef pine has bernA established as te mli xW 
-Yill  qe.Ai~s inpr St41       'st , .ill indications point to the fact that

whil fire  -er frequent on this tpe of sell *my did nt bum evey yw, atw 
fir** him bur at inev~        of ti. thre or pehp tour yer fro all eisting

1341*tions establis the mtuzal *Mitimn *wr sucssul~ waval. an        1a 
-raf of lotla pin seedlings. Me advantage of this rtatimal or peioi 
bumag i lac ofi either ania. tlw.. or ompl        fire prtectio  w'e* 
a, The do nt kill Ike seeling low                   In W $2  fir  hot 
be, kat wit. 
U. 71. should be kept cu o *# etaa& int#y2           *"a Mih 
0, ntmedab fire. botamW *# first. andltf* yer Ml inpating pina 
and harwoos, 
d. Zntmiate fires beftoa fto first sa   m*f I&  ea refte, and f~ orov

year at least, e11lnte the brow spot disee 
o. Buring ever other or third year pmts the foliag af th *0      *1 
yer to fucto wIinmrusbw t to bh seein la4I          vigo swd 4  4aly iz 
heiht grwth, 
f. Buring ever oter     z thr  w  reftoes  o     *0ws h aomlate4 
roehm  with it larse4y reoe   *9 dage of oomla     o parialstruti 
of Usstn by ouinw f ire . 
g, Bunn   evr   Oer or third year will cotlaw to servo an a fire 
preventio n       .aar opint an .rmlatim  of xv~, em   afte the pns pas the

sapling stae. 
1L. Expriate ft tr" eson~o *lob are. Ued soll an t       alternativesor

annu. bvrinu   wwinu ofplt fire -t"Uao      w- practimy vrl~s In the
Of tha   oAltin, sinc the apparently ignoe 1ho natar       prcesses by *c

lavalftf pinso edlizW  my be bdevaoy  in 1e aol p~a4o as f14d by *oil sa-