The study should have for its ultimate purpose the 
working Out ofpratc                       for the factors 
involved. In other words, the investigation ought to 
work out practical applications of the factors studied. 
An examle of what measures miht be developed is 
the pt winter feeding station, now being used ex- 
tensively in Wisconsin. These stations tide the birds 
over a critical period. There are many other critical 
periods in a game bird's life. In m       f them it should 
be possible to throw the balance in the bird's favor. It 
has been often demonstrated that a very small change in 
the envionent prduc es a mared ca ein the nubrof 
birds. The Quai   Invstigation, for example, centered 
much of its predator control worc on the Cooper     , a 
bird kwn to be terifically destructive. 
Hawk was found to be a serious factor working a    nt the 
birds. On the other hand, snales destroyed a great 
quail. Control of snakes is difficult. Study of lrsh 
Hawks showed them to be a natural control agency feeding 
on ma    n          . The natural application of these 
facts was to kill Cooper Hawks and to protect Marh Hawks. 
This is what is m   t by getting facts of practical applica- 
tion in increasing birds. 
It is probably that      such facts can be found by 
studingthe relation of fire,, drainage  clean farig 
effect of such agricultural practios as the use of silos 
and crop rotation. In the South it was possible to dis- 
cover a plant, Japanese Clover, which provide, food for 
quil, which grows wild and which builds up the nitrogen 
inehausted soils. There may be som   plant that would 
ac    oplish the same purose in Wisconsin. 
H     r, no     iction can be made as to what 
develop. It is within the realm of possibiliy that a 
study might reveal a discouraging situation. In that 
event, it would be well to know the fasts in order to 
plan ahead for some such bird as the pheasant. 
The investigation has done remrkably well in develop- 
Ing display material of use in working upinterest in the 
Prairie Chicken St    . This is essentia, and it Is ap- 
parent that the use of this materil is    ing muoh good. 
The very fine photographs taken in 1929 by Gross can be 
put to even greater use by getting them out systematically 
tmore organiztions. The present plan of a short motion 
picture is also an excellent idea. 