42)4  yer-iu uw   lam Pse, 
Dsombor 16, 1939 
Dr. Joa M. Ltiodal 
Hstins Natural History Resmtiou 
Jamesbur Route 
ontwee, California 
Dear~ Dr. Linsdales 
h*s for your letter.     I did not e.eprly 
Ifferentiat, betwee   the Point Lobos Reserve an your 
new sttion. I hop   that on either one or the other you 
will be able to follo  up the qustion of    at happ 
to grouM squirrel populationsw he  the range to proteot4 
I an glad to put Mo on our maiin list. 
Sincerely yours, 
Aldo Leopold 
Professor of Willife Umsement