Fbr how mny Tears will Birds Lay 3ggs?-Perhaps even more sur-riutn 
thanm the lore life of the lorilrvw (hill (1exas argentatus smithAonlamis)

that lived for 4i5 years in confineiuiit1l, is the record of his mate s 
given to Dr.      ax ason by the owner of the birds1, it. '3pn oi of 
Morehead City, North Carolia.  "EAser's aute laid .gl o, 9l7 oey'.,rar
1993 iintQl amtli ncludii 0934 1 4&urliig tas last tro year,3 she t"s
a next buit a  not laM.d This b)!r4    i for hyerTirpe Canada 
-eeve (Breaa. oanadeuu ia) laid. annually 1'aitil theIr 4eV4at 29, 29,) 
and 33 years of a ,      The most n-)r:ew ai~he se  w~~n~a -:aJr of 
1.gl  0wls (Dubo b, Imfbo) ownad "by 'r. 'dAo in W1,1!o II     in 1640

ohen the "me a 53 years ol d thJe111- nm~a3.e 6 , they 1'A bre rogu-

1arly since 1964, namly 32 years, ha     I  n that timeaie    no loss 
than 93 younq ones, they are 'still in:, the.- beet 3f helh3One 
woild. like to, k r.w theA Drevioi~s and suibseq-uent J1tr fti 'nrxaaelovs

llfNarson, T, G, 1935.        -~la   37'          T-V~)l5  lwod in  i 
*wr  8, 3, 1925, Qentributlina to oi nlowledgre of tae 
Thatin of Life In Tertebrate Vnimalis. 1T.    ir-Ts. ~o         lSoc, 
Part 41365-l1422. 
13Girney, J. H. 199. On the CO~at A-^g to which birds 
Liv. Ibis, Ser, 7, 5s19442. 
*They 4i  amu after,