Dember 13, 1922, 
Mr* H. 0. smitho 
Sunset, Arkansas. 
Dear Smtth: 
I Was verj, glad to have your letter of Deoeember 6 
and thank you for your suggestions about the artiole,    The 
most valuable part of your letter Is your brief stptem-nt 
that the burning of the timber in your regtio eaoh fall and 
spring h"s driven the game out of the Ozark Mount~inji,  Is 
this dlignos e gene6rlly auoepted by eportsmsn in that vicn.n 
Ity     IVmd ve -ou any ad itignl  etaIl as to lut *xz~tly how 
the bad effoots ococur    If 6o, I Woult Ile pleaseL to kmow 
about the a6tter furthoro 
Fred Arthur had inford us as to your intention 
of ooming baqk and I need not say that this offiae is delighted. 
I hope that you will be able to get by and that your bad leg 
will gradaally improve, 
I made a short trp this year in the Oolorado Delta 
and had a very intereoting time*    Will no doubt have a ohanoe 
to tell you about it after your returA, 
With kindest regards to your family, 
Very sinaerely yours, 
PO 86   With regard to your assignment I think  rthur has this 
all figured out already but you had better cornunloate 
with him direat with repeot to it,