St, *roue No. 15832 banded at No, 9 in 1951 fed at No, 9 in 1932, 
St, grouse No, 15310 banded at No, 6 in ?M!arch, 1951. FI at 
7o. 16 In 1932, 
St.r rouse No, 15353 banded at No. 2 in  rch 1931,       led nt 
No, 15 in 1932. 
Feeding station No. J was discontinued in 19:2 end replaced by 
No. 15. 
S.,t. grouse No, 144, Fed a   both No, 3 and No. 15 durin-w FebrurY 
and parch, 1932, 
8o. ouse No. 157. Fed at both No. 3 and No, 15 in February nnd 
Meroh, 1932, 
Lririe ehicken No, 170. Fed at both No. 4 and No, 5 in Mar,1ch  92, 
21 ashrp-tnils were bended at No, I in 1931, 
Six of the 21 were retrapped in 19&2      No. 1. 
tone of the 21 were retrappeO at the othcr stations, 
As No i is also a dane. groun   it is unlikely that more than 
of the 21 are elive, but the flock increased to 39 in 1952, 
At No, 3  there were 18 sharp-tails banded in 1931. NIne were 
retrapped and 19 new birds were b     4 in 1932. It is unlikely 
that any of the other nine er alive or they would have Showed 
up at No. 1 or a)t No, ISas No. 144 and 157 Indi ate that hils 
flock mixes with or overlaps the one fe~eing  et station No. 15. 
On the basis of the flocks at feedini stations No. I and 
-o. 3 the mortality rate of old birds for one year is irn the 
nei hborhood of 50,.   (50% at No.3 and 6    at No. 1) 
The shp-ail flocks which are practically all roosters are