height of from T2 incs to 80 ies an both ha very aba           t   ops. 5he

plants w free of       seros amount of di ease. 
Zary in the "eon both quail and pheats took advanage of the 
exe llent cover affoed by those patches as well as the one oontaining 
rtewita, Kaffir an Mile. Mro wore me          s east pots and droppins in

these tva patcheseve before the grainta     ene to shtter, *bic was about

Otober 24. Of W   13 vists from Deer 3 to Fbruary 12,          asats were

flushed fr   these two patches five times an  the remaining trips revealed
that indicated that pheasants had been in there at least 36 hours previos.
mo   holds tra for th. qaall.     e   easats, %ean eating these grains, pic

off a wole .lu    of sods, va the rahis, bmt th     quail -pied the see4
of the etd ct. Te need of these two plants has a powliar offet upon 
the cooratia of the fases, priega   a ma     oo   wich is quite         
Te charateristlcally colored dr.ppings were fmd on rosts in ma parts of 
the aarsh, smroudin meadows, ad feace rows, left by both Theasaats and qull.

Thes  ple ts, wen lodging, 4id    t broek at aw polat, but bent over, 
fo ng a cem     about 19 imhes from the grud whih     onsttat  excelleat
for the birds,   ba peas      men times roosted I these patsho    it was
dm  for a quail roost, although they were c    nat of the co  r valus. 
hre was v     little perceptble shatter i   these plats, but oa foreing 
a shatter, the Bx Orange hwgha shatteredmore easily than the      arly Amber

Unfortunately the hesm7 awe of Decemer 2 and subsequent stoeu made 
unalable a onsideablo munt of gain. On abut Jamwy T a thaw ourrwed 
vhiah unxtvered quite a bit of grain.aed these two, patches wore agea popularly

attretve until Jauary 13, when myw again oovered thea. There was mvwh 
drifting of mow in these two patces and the Kaffir patc w ih  ight have 
a" a   iffoueame In the  wailability of rain.