20,  Vetches (Vicia spp.) 
.l the various species of vetch seem to be 
favorite foods, although this is not true of 
the peas. Elliot Barker says the dried vines 
are eaten in winter also. Leopold and --arner 
saw a doe and fawn eating vetch on the Gila in 
21. Blue flag (Iris missourienois) 
This plant, E'liot Barker says, is not eaten on 
athe Peoes until frozen i.n fall, after which 
Both the foliage antd seed pods are a favorite 
food.  (Cattle likewise ignore it until frozen.) 
Sizer says this is true on the Apache. 
22.  hite lco (xtrops      lamberti) 
SKarchuer says he saw a buck eating this loco 
northeast of Frisco Peaks on the Coconino; that 
he was thin and undersized. 
SIt is improbable, however, that deer are injured 
by loco. They are often most abundant on the 
worst loco areas. 
(C) Grasses 
The enormous diversity of species, the difficulty of 
observing even through a glass which species a deer 
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