(A) C kA..t? 
"Pin-up" Tally of 
Days on Which Cardinal Sings, Spring of 1946. 
(Record kept by  C-.&.4              at   AI#   t-UX-        , Wisconsin

for Department of Wildlife Madagement, University of Wisconsin. Cross 
the dates when song was heard. Be sure and listen for the first song 
of the season.) 
1    2    3    4    5 
6    7    9    9    10  11   12 
13   14   15   16   17   18  19 
20   21   22   23  24 
25   26 
27  28   29   30- 3 
1    2 
4    5   6    7    s   9 
11   12   13   14 
~4 6 
D % "6 
15   16 
22   23 
On March 15 kindly mail the completed record to Aldo Leopold, 424 University

Farm Place, Madison. If you were absent on particular periods, or failed

to get outside, draw a square around such dates. Do not include songs 
heard outside your area, which is:                                . 
Your cooperation in keeping this record will be greatly appreciated. If 
circumstances prevent your keeping it, will you select some other reliable

person to do so, and let me know who is taking over? 
Yours sincerely,