o Note: All 1C Supervisory Personnel ratedat  1.50 per 
day in working up'costs. 
Strip Method 
As already mentioned, Davidson River watershed was picked as an 
area on which to cbm~ae the-cost and resultant data of- the two methods.

The census method used was a modification of the parallel strip 
timber survey. A strip width of two chains was adopted; one-man crews 
were used; a set of status Atlas sheets was used as a base map. Strips 
were run a-.roximahtey.1   twenty to thirty chains apart and they were 
generally run at right angles to.the tQpography. Strips were referenced 
to topographic feature's 'ad di~tarides 'scaled from the Atlas sheets. 
*lWardens 1dmundson, Huffman, and Eller were assigned to the 
york of stripping. Davias6i River,' der the direztion of Assistant 
Ranger Seely. A total of thirty man days were renuired to complete the 
field'wor1~.--Thisestimate covered.6.44% of the total area (20,855 acres).

* The following table gives the. approximate cost for the strip 
Total cost of trubc'm    g&  .. 6ie21.40 
Total cost of Forest Service pQrsonnel ........O0 
(Actual jardens' salary used in working up 
costs. Possibility r      ir 
thus reducing cost).. 
.Total. cost .......               152.40 
Following are tables which briefly sunmarize the resultant data 
obtained from the- drivemethod on-Davidson Jqiyer Experimental area, the

remaining areas on the Preserve, the strip method on Davidson River, and

a comparison of the above mentioned tables as to the number of acres per
