beaver, muskrat, sharp-tailed grouse and prairie chicken principally. 
Such areas should be selected only where there is an abundant supply of 
natural game food with ample water and sufficient cover. Refuge and 
public shooting ground boundaries should be bounded if possible by 
roads, railroads, streams or lake borders, and in all instances these 
boundaries should be properly posted as the conxervation commission may 
At least one feeding station of not less than one acre should be 
constructed on each section of land within the refuge, should the conser-

vation commission 4udge that conditions so warrant, 
It is recommended also that every available use be made of all 
state owned lands in the northern game district and all lands in the 
northern district under the Forest Crop Law, for the state game refuges and

public shooting grounds, 
Pifect supervision of all northern refuges should be under a 
refuge inspector or his assistant, Enforcement in cooperation with the 
Enforcement Division should be requested. 
Central Game District 
From the special refuge and public shooting ground funds certain 
areas should be purchased in the central game district, refuge sites to 
include not less than one section of land nor more than four sections, with

the ratio of adjoining public shooting grounds not less than four to one.

All other recommendations applying to refuges of the northern game 
district apply to the state game refuge program of the central district,

Southeastern and Southwestern Game Districts 
It is here that we m et our greatest problems with refuge work. 
1ivuch experimental work will have to be done in order to s elect the wost

practicable program for these districts. Experiments with leasing, and 
possibly the toll system should be tried. !uch can be accomplishied by