424 University tar Plaoe 
July 17, 19 0 
Mr. Conrad L. Wirth 
National Park Service 
Department of the Interior 
WashigtoaD. C. 
Dear Mr. Wirth: 
Here to the paper on "Wilderness Values" wtich 
you wanted for the Tearbook. YCU perhaps wanted a longer 
paper, bat this includes all the new tLItgs I have in mind 
at this time. 
I understand the difficulty about separates. 
Perhaps somebo4y wll. ask you for permision to reprint. 
If so, will you tell thm I'd like some ssparates?   Meanwhilo 
I'll accept your kind offer of a few extra copies of the 
When do we have another chkeae to show you the 
Arboreism? I was out of tom last time you were here. It 
you ever pass through Madison, l'd like to show you the 
present works. I think we have some pretty good thins under 
va, and we are getting excellent support from Mr. Tripp. 
Yours sincerely, 
Aldo Leopold 
en                        Professor of Wildlife Rwiagement 
cc Yard 