Natural Distribution, Growth, Habits 
Name                                    Tall: Average Height 30 feet or more

Small: Average Height 15 to 30 feet 
Wildlife Values 
Other Functions 
Choke Cherry 
(Prunus virginiana) 
(Salix species) 
Mountain Ash 
(Sorbus americana) 
Basswood, American Linden 
(Tilia americana) 
Small-found throughout the state in open woods, 
thickets, and along fence rows, moist slopes, and 
stream borders-suckers-adapted to moist but well- 
drained soils-heavy yield of fruit--pH 6.0-9.0 
Common throughout state along streams, ditches and 
marsh borders-about 20 species-hybridize frequently- 
fast growing-good rooting systems-contrary to popular 
opinion few of them will stand very wet planting 
sites-hardy-intolerant--pH 6.0-g.0 
Small-slender-occasionally occurs southward-with 
Hemlock along the Wisconsin River-thrives on any good 
well drained soil-cannot withstand drought-early in 
leaf-bright red or orange fruit persisting until 
December-slow of growth-intermediate tolerance 
Tall-common throughout state-rich soils-fertile 
bottom lands-in mixture with other hardwoods-fast 
growing-dense foliage-thrives in any good soil- 
little vegetation will grow under it-very tolerant- 
pH 6.o-s.o 
Food for ruffed grouse and 
prairie chicken-a deer 
browse-edible fruit 
For quick results-cover 
and browse-tr6ut stream 
shade-fuel-some varieties 
used for windbreaks and 
erosion control-basket 
willows have been grown 
commercially in state 
A fruit producer-fall 
food for songbirds-preferred 
winter food of ruffed grouse 
a preferred deer browse- 
fruit makes good jelly-one of 
our most beautiful trees 
Stream shade and summer 
cover-fruit not much eaten 
by wildlife so far as is 
known-a timber tree-used 
for wagons, boxes, etc. 
American Elm 
(Ulmus americana) 
Tall-occurs throughout the state-found on rich soil     Stream shade-browse-

and river bottoms-shallow root system-easy to transplant- used for boats,
rapid growing-thrives in any good soil-very tolerant--  hoops, agricultural

pH 6.0-7.5                                              implements and sometimes

for furniture-for ioodlot 