natural shelves of rock on the face of cliffs. They readily 
acce--t an artificial substitute cors]Ling of a board shelf 
about 4" x 6" placed under the eaves on the unfrequented side 
of a house or barn,. They are a very useful bird. 
Cliff Swallows 
These are the birds thet plaster their colonies 
af mud nests against the walls of clif.fs or large barns* 
They may be encouraged by a long ncarrow cleat (about':L" stuff) 
nailed horizontally on the outside walls of barns,, They gen- 
erally require to be at least 18' from the ground.. These are 
exceedingly useful and beautiful birds,, and always nest in 
colonies, returning fron year to year.. 
Barn' Swallows 
Barn Swallows nest on rfters inside of barns where 
the o-Dn door of a baymow or similar opening cllow , them- to 
en4;er,  They may be ncourpged by long shelves not over 4" 
-wideh attached to the horizontal ti.mbers of haymows. Barn 
swriallows are among the most usoful and graceful of birds, 
Th3 most favoreble oucaorns for attracting swal- 
lowes are tbos- on open grounl in the vicinity of meadows, 
Other Bi:-..s 
Chicadees, certaPn 4aJoodpeckerz3. Martins, certain 
Flycatchers, Robins, Screech Owles, 7ooducks, certain Titmice, 
and a few othe- species may under certain conditions Occupy 
artificial nesting -?laces, but as a. rule tbey .are more 
I n