U. S. DEPARTMNT OF TBE INTERIOR                  Vil 
Fish and Wildlife Service 
May 1, 1941. 
Re: Weights of Birds 
For many years the Fish and Wildlife Service has collected records on the

weights of birds. It is now proposed to compile this material for publication

and for the information of all who may be interested. 
The work will be done by Miss Phoebe Knappen, a biologist of the Wildlife

Research Division stationed at the Food Habits. Laboratory, Patuxent Research

Refuge, Bowie, Maryland. 
It is known that many bird banding cooperators have been interested in 
the weights of birds and that at some stations long series of such data may

be available. The purpose of this communication is, therefore, to request
those who have such information and who, in order to make the work more com-

plete, are willing to supply copies of their records, to communicate with
Knappen and advise her of the number of weight records they will be able
furnish. Miss Knappen will provide such cooperators with an approximatel

supply of forms like the attached sample for preparation of copies of their

weight data. 
F. C. Lincoln, In Charge, 
Distribution and Migration of Birds, 
Division of Wildlife Research. 