-Texas Cooperative Wildlife Service_ 
Activity Report, Feb. 1937 
Bobwhite Quail Management in Texas 
Month: February, 1937 
Author: V. W. Lehmann 
Lehmann has drawn up the following table showing pre- 
hunting season counts and post-hunting season counts of quail on 
four black land farms aggregating 2,442 acres in Walker County, 
November 1936 : February 1937 : Decrease : Decrease 
:Number : Number:Number : Number:     of    :    of 
Area : Size :Coveys : Birds:Coveys : Birds: Coveys       :   Birds 
1   :571 :    5    :34     :   3   :    20 :     2     :     14 
2 :   833 :   4    :53     :   4   :    26 :     0           27 
3 :   486 :   6    :68     :   1   :    10:      5     :     58 
4 :   552 :   5    :69     :   4   :    38 :     1     :     31 
:      ..                   . 2  2  1 
TOTALS:       :       :       : 
:242:   20   :224 ..12      ..    94.      8     .  130 
Average quail population of 2,442 acres in 
-- one bird per 10.9 acres. 
Average quail population of 2,442 acres in 
-- one bird per 25.9 acres. 
November, 1936 
February, 1937 
Population decrease on 2,442 acres during 1936-1937 hunting 
season is 58 percent. 
In other words there were 42 percent as many birds on the 
area counted after the season as there were at the beginninq of the 
Ihe heavy decrease of quail on these tracts is thought to 
have been largely due to hunting. It appears that hunters took a 
relatively heavy toll in spite of the fact that weather during the 
greater part of the hunting season was ver unfavorable. 1or this 
reason, it is believed that the kill during the 1936-1937 open season, 
although high, wa's below normal on the study areas and in the county 
as a whole.