--t. 5, 1 31 
.!  r. 0CA] Johnson, -Cdltor 
'(utdoor America 
222 _"orth lsalr -)rive 
Ohilrao, flhinois 
Dear ' r. Johuson: 
Hrer it3 the  tO~  n " r. se~n e~    si 
rod" 'Addh-ioad hl to w-rite fior youn. 
After wr  tit "r.      -~tro  en' it on to 
me wth he r~iet" thT"Irvs    ta   frvi--rd It to. you. 
A ssho  ofth-e mld    -mnI#steail. 
Yours iceey 
IncncgOme3. ~ 
Coyto ~.Ptro