tw~sa  frnom the boolc OPropWati. of 111 Stis, 
by Rerbet 1. :0e. 
(ft=m Obapto? an *Theowt Raxrg, Ms 7T 
- - - 6whter pheassats drive a qviails and grow* frm their~ 
bauzts or, dntr them ay ttack 9? bking up nests. I ImlieW there 
JA n an" for aprbnin         Pheaant ar    &alcwards, wA       fe

sq   U h as often 3sea quail ora *p~ow in a pen drive a pbasaait. As 
to the raffot gu. tWsfeqpunt the woods, while the pbos~t ab~ae 
the forest an  0ealsts scrb patrs swam, ad agricltural 1=A. 
Th~at Aset* do not dstro7 pualls is $Mliened by the ca"e of Gardinev's

198u  . York, wher pheasants and pualls 'both Abora4, neither being 
ale to fly to the mainland".