Aug. 25, 1939 
Stodda   tells me that rleases o artficthlly propt.d quail 
met be "haren      to ac  tn   s    lene i place of vater. If this 
is rot do., etrme instability my result. epecially in dry, dawles 
oail are harded by wving te wire-bttmed pa         ever stand of 
Mexican .lover" (sp?) an witdawing water. Te birds learn to pluk 
the succulent clover thag    the wir.xe 
X this a ffttr in the stability of pheaant releaseut 
What wil  raulce is accetable, an4 gos durin dry          Ysts? 
'what ta s uml    Is acceptable, and could be grown. for ~Aust 
use in hardenin pens 
Do the recored retrua from pheasant releases show eerrelAtiea With 
water, drouth, M   sucevlencel 
What exerimaenta procedure would tlrw liht on this qu.estioat 
Sho cou    xpeient with it In 1940 
File: later V/ 
Survival Study 