The latest 4ate that I saw young rabbits that had. just left the nest was:

Name of                                   Hours    No. of cotton-   Was dog

hunter      Date     County   Township    afield    tails seen      used?

E Van Wormer          Wood    Remington    _14Q       2            B rndC1

1,L      JJA1LJ M*JP+      _________       __ 
I saw more rabbits drixin  at ni  t than I did huntn.      __ 
It is 18 miles from Babcock to My land in town of Bear Bluft_ 
Jackson co where I did most of My hunting I have eleven huindr Lacers 
and " saw more rabbits along the road      ning fRom huntng_±.rips

Re%   ,n the hours of six to nine thanIL- hunting I also noticed 
about three different .lz.  from a fLw days 03d up to half grown 
during the month of daoba. Thi a i - &I! vary Seed Geod ttentall 
country I made a trip over this area Feb 3 and checked quite 
close for signs found rabbits signs very searse    signed 